(416) 785-8046 for appointments

Sarah Chana Radcliffe is a registered member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario, practicing marriage, parenting and individual counselling.
She is the author of No More Tics!, Raise Your Kids without Raising Your Voice, Better Behavior Now, The Fear Fix, Harmony at Home and 6 other books on family life and emotional well-being. Sarah Chana is also a weekly columnist and international lecturer, presenting keynotes and workshops in family life and personal stress management. She is the creator of the "Daily Parenting Posts" email list and offers parenting education on her Instagram and Facebook pages. Sarah Chana Radcliffe's books, webinars and other supportive educational products for family life and personal wellbeing can be found at her Daily Parenting Posts website.
For questions about scheduling an appointment or to learn more about Sarah Chana's practice, please see the FAQ's section on this site.
To make an appointment, call
For inquiries regarding speaking and workshop presentations, please email: